November 19, 2009

splashes of paint

was sortin some of my stuffs,
and i came across some things that ive totally forgotten about.

i found my old book in which i used to paint,

when i had a lot of things on my mind.

dont think it ll be very practical for me to lug it home,

along with a gazillion other things ive got.

but i feel kinda sad abt throwing them away too.

these are a couple i painted tonight,

cos i got a lil bored of the packing and sorting.

so ive decided to take sum photos of it,

so that ill still sorta hav it.

and post them up here.

its no picasso,

nowhere near it,

just random splashes of paint,

that never fails to take my mind off things.
and so, here they are.


  1. Mushi! what a hidden talent you have =O...they are so beautiful! I love the scenery paintings :)
