September 28, 2010

they come in threes

Red Week, Red Party,
Companion House,
Trip to Wollongong,
Things to organise in the next 2 weeks.

PAL Paper,
Prac Exam,
Ethics Application for Research Project,
All due in 2 weeks time.

I can now, literally say, there's not nearly enough hours in the day.

The 3 people Ive gotten closest to since I moved to Canberra,
Really have shown that you are truly on your own in this world.

Well, you know what they say,
they all come in threes.

How am I going to survive the next two weeks,
I dont know.

September 7, 2010

fucking FML!

am fucking exhausted!!!
can SOMETHING, just ANYTHING work out right, for once, please!
thank god for semester 'break' in a week!

n by break i mean, time to catch up on all the work!