March 10, 2009

the awakening

it was a bright sunny day,
as i eagerly stepped off the tram at fed square,
trying my best to hold in the excitement,
for the surprise planned for one of my closest, dearest friend.
i stepped off the tram,
and i gazed around,
for any familiar face,
until i heard a loud thud.
as i looked ahead of me,
an old lady was on the ground.
with her face facing down,
and one of her shoes off her feet.
i held my hand out to help her up,
she reached her arm out for mine,
and as i muttered the words,
"Are you alright?"
She turned to me,
and said,
"Yes, lovely"
but she obviously was not.
Blood oozed out of her forehead,
just slightly above her left eyebrow.
I reached into my bag,
only to find I dont carry tissue around.
I stood there,
speechless and aimless.
By this time,
a crowd was forming around her,
mostly stood around,
simply to feed their curiosity.
With one hand holding hers,
I just stood there silently.
As the poor lady kept saying,
I'm fine, I'm fine.
to all those who repeatedly asked her,
are you alright?
I took out my phone to dial for an ambulance,
only to realise I dont know the number.
As the crowd grew,
and more people were attending to her,
I took off.
Just like that,
I took off.
I simply let go of her hand,
and walked away.
As I sat across the tram stop,
I just watched her,
I knew she was in good hands now,
but I just walked away and sat and watched.
I was dumbfounded.
I was at a lost.
For the next 20 minutes,
I remained seated there,
watching her,
and all those brave ones,
who actually helped her,
and not walk away like I did.
as the ambulance arrived.
I sighed a long sigh of relief,
followed by a few stream of tears.
The guilt, I felt,
as that sweet dear lady,
looked into my eyes and said,
"Yes lovely"
only to be left there,
simply cos I didn't know what to do.
I have always hated and despised those hu turn up later then the agreed time,
but at that moment,
every second felt like a lifetime.
and I was just praying and hoping that
someone familiar would step off the tram soon,
simply because,
i just couldn't.
i was speechless,
i stared blankly into space.
n i was owh so very thankful when my phone rang,
n saw kw's blue jacket.
i will nvr forget you, my dear lady.
please forgive me.
i had every intention of helping you.
i really did.
but i panicked
and i didnt kno how.
i am sorry for just walking away.
i am sorry for not being there to just hold ur hand for just a lil bit longer.
i am so very truly sorry.

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